Garnishment is one thing that is very difficult to deal with. It is a method of collecting on debt that you do not want to have to deal with if you are able to avoid it. Creditors can take up to 25% of the debtor’s net pay, and no one needs to say that this would be a huge burden for anyone to take on. It is not something that anyone living paycheck to paycheck can legitimately handle.
Phoenix bankruptcy is one way that individuals can help to fight back against wage garnishments. This is a legal process by which one is essentially saying that they do not have the funds to pay back the debts that they are currently owing.
When working on a bankruptcy, it is important to have an attorney to represent you. The reason for this is because bankruptcy is a complicated legal process that is not exactly easy to deal with. Shawn Stone is an experienced bankruptcy and student loan attorney that can aid you in your process of going through bankruptcy. He is very helpful because he has the experience that is required to fight back against those wage garnishments.
Whenever one declares bankruptcy, there is a stay that is issued to the creditors that you have to make them stop taking out money from your wages. It is a stay that is typically sent out within a day or two of the filing. They will have to stop garnishing your wages immediately, and this will help to buy you some breathing room on these matters.
The notice of a bankruptcy can be mailed to a creditor or hand delivered or even delivered electronically. Whatever method is the easiest to be done will be done.
Typically, the stay in the garnishment is going to remain forever since most debts are going to be discharged by the court, and this will mean that they can no longer collect on those debts. There are some types of debt that cannot be discharged though, and those creditors can resume the garnishment when they have received word from the court that the stay has been lifted on them. These are issues that your lawyer can inform you more about and can teach you about which debts may be discharged and which will not.
Child support, alimony, and other domestic support obligations are not debt obligations that can be discharged, so there is no point in trying to declare bankruptcy to rid yourself of these obligations. It is simply not going to happen. The same can be said of student loan debts, so it is important to consider this as well. There are other options for student loan debts that Shawn Stone can discuss with you.
Wage garnishment is very frustrating, but there are things that you can do to help at least put a stay on them. Make sure you understand this and take appropriate measures.